About Me

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Hey, everyone! Here is a blog about US! Brian and Me and our little bundles of joy, Jayden and Layla! Brian and I have been married for over 4 1/2 years and now we have our sweet little boy and girl. Jayden was born on Thanksgiving morning and almost a year later our sweet girl was also born! What a great month to have our little blessings born! We are so excited to have them in our lives!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Home Fun

So my mom is a P.E. elem. teacher and she brought these belly bumpers to have the family try out! It was SO funny to see what would happen and who would win! Brian and Jaren played and looked how they posed for this one! haha we couldnt stop laughing and then look at Jaren's face when Brian bumped him! Jayden was getting so excited watching them so we put him in there! FUTURE BELLY BUMPER

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